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The Complete Brunswick, Parlophone And Vocalion Bunny Berigan Sessions




Bunny Berigan








MD7 219




1931.3.18 〜 1937.2.17




When I Take My Sugar To Tea

Rockin' Chair

Building A Home For You

At Your Command

Pardon Me, Pretty Baby

On The Beach With You

Love Letters In The Sand

I Thank You, Mister Moon (take A)

I Thank You, Mister Moon (take B)

By The Sycamore Tree

How Long Will It Last

Why Did It Have To Be Me?

Put That Sun Back In The Sky

Put That Sun Back In The Sky (alt take)

Too Many Tears

Everybody Loves My Baby

Stop The Sun, Stop The Moon

What Would You Do? (take 1)

What Would You Do? (take A)

Face the Music Medley, Pt. 2

Sing a New Song

I'm So in Love

Gosh Darn!

Crazy People

If I Had My Way 'Bout My Sweetie

Dream Sweetheart

Lawd, You Made the Night Too Long

My Lips Want Kisses

Doggone, I've Done It

How Do You Do It?

Someone Stole Gabriel's Horn

Underneath the Harlem Moon

Mighty River

All American Girl

Underneath The Harlem Moon

What Would Happen To Me If Something Happened To You?

I'll Never Have To Dream Again

Me Minus You

Sing ( It's Good For You )

You'll Get By ( With A Twinkle In Your Eye )

Going! Going! Gone!!!

Low Down Upon The Harlem River

You've Got Me Crying Again (take 1)

You've Got Me Crying Again (take 2)

I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues (take 1)

I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues (take 2)

Mood Hollywood (take A)

Mood Hollywood (take B)

Someone Stole Gabriel's Horn

Stay On The Right Side Of The Road (take A)

Stay On The Right Side Of The Road (take B)

Shim Sham Shimmy (take A)

Shim Sham Shimmy (take B)

Is That Religion? (take A)

Is That Religion? (take B)

You'll Never Get Up To Heaven That Way (take B)

You'll Never Get Up To Heaven That Way (take A)

In A Little Second Hand Store

Keep Looking Forward

You've Got Everything

Sweet Madness

Savage Serenade

She's Funny That Way

Coffee In The Morning, Kisses In The Night

Sittin' On A Log

I Raised My Hat

She Reminds Me Of You


On Account-A I Love You

Honeysuckle Rose

With All My Heart And Soul


Blues In E Flat

A Blues Serenade

Moonlight On The Ganges

In A Little Spanish Town

Solo Hop

What's The Reason ( I'm Not Pleasin' You )

She's A Latin From Manhattan

You've Been Taking Lessons In Love

( Back Home Again In ) Indiana

I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket

Sing An Old Fashioned Song

I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter

It's Been So Long

I'd Rather Lead A Band

Let Yourself Go

Swing, Mister Charlie

A Melody From The Sky

I Can't Get Started

A Little Bit Later On

Rhythm Saved The World

Just To Be In Caroline

It Ain't Nobody's Biz'ness What I Do

And Still No Luck With You

I'm An Old Cowhand

I Nearly Let Love Go Slipping Through My Fingers

But Definitely

If I Had My Way

When I'm With You

Dear Old Southland

Did I Remember?

No Regrets (take 2)

No Regrets (take 1)


Billie's Blues

Dardanella (take 1)

Dardanella (take 2)

It Ain't Right

Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

In A Sentimental Mood

Whatcha Gonna Do When There Ain't No Swing?

Organ Grinder's Swing

Rhythm Lullaby

It All Begins And Ends With You

I'm One Step Ahead Of My Shadow

A Fine Romance

I Can't Pretend

One, Two, Button Your Shoe

Let's Call A Heart A Heart

That Foolish Feeling

Where Are You?

In A Little Spanish Town (take 1)

In A Little Spanish Town (take 2)

The Goona Goo

Who's Afraid Of Love?

One In A Million

Blue Lou

I'm Gonna Kiss Myself Goodbye

Big Boy Blue

Dixieland Shuffle (take 1)

Dixieland Shuffle (take 2)

Let's Do It ( Let's Fall In Love )

What Is There To Say?

The Buzzard (take A)

The Buzzard (take B)

Tillie's Downtown Now (take A)

Tillie's Downtown Now (take B)

Keep Smilin' At Trouble

Willow Tree

Honeysuckle Rose (take A)

Honeysuckle Rose (take B)

Squeeze Me (take A)

Squeeze Me (take B)

Downhearted Blues (take A)

Downhearted Blues (take B)

You Took Advantage Of Me (take A)

You Took Advantage Of Me (take B)

Chicken And Waffles

I'm Coming, Virginia





Bunny Berigan (tp)


Bob Effros (tp)


Charlie Spivak (tp)


Frank Guarente (tp)


Harry Brown (tp)


Harry Greenwald (tp)


J. Earle Isom (tp)


Manny Klein (tp)


Mickey Bloom (tp)


Ruby Weinstein (tp)


Al Philburn (tb)


Carl Loeffler (tb)


Don Matteson (tb)


Ford Leary (tb)


Glenn Miller (tb)


Jack Jenney (tb)


Jack Lacey (tb)


Lloyd Turner (tb)


Red Jessup (tb)


Tommy Dorsey (tb)


Walter Burleson (tb)


Will Bradley, Jr. (tb)


Babe Russin (as)


Benny Goodman (as)


Benny Krueger (as,C-melody sax)


Bobby Davis (as)


Carl Swift (as)


Edgar Sampson (as)


Hymie Schertzer (as)


Jimmy Dorsey (as,cl)


Johnny Hodges (as)


Johnny Mince (as)


Lou Martin (as)


Lyle Bowen (as)


Matty Matlock (as)


Sid Stoneburn (as)


Toots Mondello (as)


Art Drellinger (ts)


Arthur Rollini (ts)


Bud Freeman (ts)


Chu Berry (ts)


Eddie Miller (ts)


Forrest Crawford (ts)


Herbie Haymer (ts)


Hymie Wolfson (ts)


Jack Stacey (ts)


Larry Binyon (ts)


Skeets Herfurt (ts)


Adrian Rollini (bs)


Artie Shaw (cl)


Babe Russin (cl)


Benny Goodman (cl)


Bobby Davis (cl)


Bud Freeman (cl)


Eddie Miller (cl)


Edgar Sampson (cl)


Hymie Schertzer (cl)


Irving Fazola (cl)


Joe Marsala (cl)


Johnny Mince (cl)


Lyle Bowen (cl)


Matty Matlock (cl)


Sid Stoneburn (cl)


Slats Long (cl)


Toots Mondello (cl)


Larry Binyon (oboe,bassoon)


Andy Sannella (reeds)


Benny Krueger (reeds)


Elmer Feldkamp (reeds)


Foster Morehouse (reeds)


Jim Crossan (reeds)


Lyle Bowen (reeds)


Paul Mason (reeds)


Dick Cherwin (tuba)


Hank Stern (tuba)


Joe Tarto (tuba)


Tex Hurst (tuba)


Ward Lay (tuba)


Charles Magnante (accordion)


Cornell Smelser (accordion)


Adrian Rollini (vib)


Chauncey Morehouse (vib)


Janice Powers (vib)


Larry Gomar (vib)


Milton Schlesinger (xylophone)


Red Norvo (xylophone)


Bobby Bennett (g)


Carl Kress (g)


Clay Bryson (g)


Clayton Duerr (g)


Dick McDonough (g)


Eddie Condon (g)


Eddie Lang (g)


Eddie Sexton (g)


Larry Hall (g)


Noel Kilgen (g)


Roc Hillman (g)


Tom Morgan (g)


Tommy Fellini (g)


Tony Sacco (g)


John Cali (banjo)


Milt Coleman (ukulele)


Arthur Schutt (p)


Bobby Van Eps (p)


Chummy MacGregor (p)


Claude Thornhill (p)


Clyde Hart (p)


Frank Froeba (p)


Fulton McGrath (p)


George Van Eps (p)


Gil Bowers (p)


Harry Gray (p)


Joe Bushkin (p)


Joe Meresco (p)


Les Burness (p)


Lew Cobey (p)


Martha Boswell (p)


Rube Bloom (p)


Sammy Prager (p)


Teddy Wilson (p)


William Ray Gold (p)


Sammy Prager (celeste)


Arnold Fishkind (b)


Art Miller (b)


Artie Bernstein (b)


Artie Shapiro (b)


Cliff Jackson & His Crazy Cats (b)


Delmar Kaplan (b)


Grachan Moncur III (b)


Harry Goodman (b)


Joe Tarto (b)


Paul Prince (b)


Pete Peterson (b)


Chauncey Morehouse (ds)


Cozy Cole (ds)


Dave Tough (ds)


Gene Krupa (ds)


George Wettling (ds)


Herb Weil (ds)


Janice Powers (ds)


Larry Gomar (ds)


Manny Berger (ds)


Milton Schlesinger (ds)


Moe Purtill (ds)


Ray Bauduc (ds)


Ray McKinley (ds)


Stan King (ds)


Justin Ring (bells)


Stan King (bells)


Red McKenzie (maracas,vo)


Ben Pobersky (vln)


Harry Bluestone (vln)


Harry Hoffman (vln)


Joe Venuti (vln)


Wladimir Solinsky (vln)


Harry Waller (vla)


Art Gentry (vo)


Billie Holiday (vo)


Bing Crosby (vo)


Buddy Clark (vo)


Bunny Berigan (vo)


Chick Bullock (vo)


Clay Bryson (vo)


Connee Boswell (vo)


Dick Robertson (vo)


Don Matteson (vo)


Elmer Feldkamp (vo)


Fran Frey (vo)


Helvetia "Vet" Boswell (vo)


Herb Weil (vo)


Howard Phillips (vo)


Jane Vance (vo)


Jean Bowes (vo)


Jerry Cooper (vo)


Lee Wiley (vo)


Les Reis (vo)


Martha Boswell (vo)


Midge Williams (vo)


Mildred Bailey (vo)


Milt Coleman (vo)


Phil Neely (vo)


Red McKenzie (vo)


Scrappy Lambert (vo)


Smith Ballew (vo)


Teddy White (vo)


Tempo King (vo)


The Boswell Sisters (vo)


Tony Sacco (vo)


Will Osborne (vo)


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